
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Other Koi for Sale

A. Platinum Doitsu 35 cm Rp. 200,000
Platinum is metallic clean white color, Doitsu is scaleless
B. Kohaku Lightning 25 cm Rp. 150,000

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bali Koi Collection for Sale: Showa

Showa is black body koi with white and red patterns.

 The koi prices:
A. 31 cm Rp. 350,000
B. 34 cm Rp. 350,000
D  30 cm Rp. 350,000
E. 25 cm Rp. 250,000
F. 25 cm Rp. 350,000

Contact us to get them in your ponds: 081805457373/ pin BB: 20E32669/ Email:

Monday, February 20, 2012

Bali Koi Collection for Sale: Taisho Sanke

Taisho Sanke is white body koi with black and red patterns.

The koi size is in the picture @ Rp. 150,000.

Contact us to get them in your ponds: 081805457373/ pin BB: 20E32669/ Email:

Bali Koi Collection for Sale: Asagi 30cm & Shusui 35cm series

Asagi is koi with bluish neat net like scale with a red belly.
Shusui is German scaleless koi with non metallic red patterns in the body. The scale is only found along the back from head to dorsal fin.

The koi size in the pictures is: Asagi 30cm at Rp. 150,000 and Shusui 35cm at Rp. 200,000

Contact us to get them in your ponds: 081805457373/ pin BB: 20E32669/ Email:

Bali Koi Collection for Sale: Doitsu Kujaku 30cm

Kujaku is white metallic body koi with metallic patterns. The picture attached is from doitsu species (doitsu is scaleless koi). There is also Kujaku with reticulated net like metallic pattern overlaid with metallic color.

The koi size in the picture is 30cm at @ Rp. 150,000.

Contact us to get them in your ponds: 081805457373/ pin BB: 20E32669/ Email:

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bali Koi Collection for Sale: Goromo/ Koromo Series 30- 35cm

Goromo/ Koromo is white body koi with red and black patterns overlaid. The contras color between the body and pattern make it glowing in your pond. This is a rare color of koi.
Ai goromo if the overlaid pattern is dominant to red.
Budo goromo if the overlaid pattern goes to purple (grapes like color)
Sumi goromo if the overlaid pattern is dominant to black.
The koi price:
A. 28 cm Rp. 200,000 (SOLD - Thanks to Pak Hengky Dps)
B. 28 cm Rp. 200,000
C. 34 cm Rp. 400,000 (SOLD- Thank to Pak Andy Dps)
D. 30 cm Rp. 200,000
E. 25 cm Rp. 200,000
F. 28 cm Rp. 150,000

Contact us to get them in your ponds: 081805457373/ pin BB: 20E32669/ Email:

Bali Koi Collection for Sale: Kohaku Series 30cm

Kohaku is white body koi with red (hi) patterns. The hi should cover between
1/2 to 2/3 of the koi, and be artistically distributed.

The koi size in the pictures is 30cm @ Rp. 150,000.

Contact us to get them in your ponds: 081805457373/ pin BB: 20E32669/ Email:

Friday, February 17, 2012

Super Quality Koi Fishes for Sale

Dear All,

Thank you to visiting this blog.

Starting from my hobby to look after ornamental freshwater fishes, I am now focusing in koi fishes.
With various colors, various pattern, and it can grow big in the pond... Amazing!!!
Just like a live natural painting in the ponds.....

The super quality koi fish is now available in Bali for sale at reasonable price.
Wide range of bright colors, patterns, and size.

Please feel free to contact us:
Haryo Sutamaji
Pin BB: 20e32669
Address: Jl. Malboro V No. 9 Denpasar Bali

Follow this link to get update of up coming kois collection:



My photo
Feel free to contact: Tel/ WA: 081805457373 (text me if I am busy) Email:

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